Protect Your Ministry

Affirm Your Calling

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Misconduct can destroy what God called your organization to do.

Protect Those in Your Care.

Get Training That Affirms Your Calling

Ministries need to do more than just prevent misconduct, they need to set an example, and they need to do so in a way that aligns with their beliefs and calling.

Our concise, values-based training teaches from an Imago Dei (image of God) perspective helping learners understand prevention and empowering them to fulfill their calling.

  • Belief Centered

    People are happier and healthier when protected by a workplace culture that affirms their core beliefs.

  • Easy to Complete

    Concise and often humorous training hosted through our online Learning Management System makes completion and tracking a breeze.

  • Expert Driven

    Our expert instructors specialize in misconduct investigations and prevention with an emphasis on policies that align with your mission and promote healing.

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Or Enroll in a Free Preview Below

Employee Level

Sexual Harassment Prevention

Manager Level

Sexual Harassment Prevention

Cultural Diversity Training

Every Nation, Tribe, and People

Investigation Training:

Navigating The Storm

Telios Presents

Bespoke Training for Bespoke Conferences

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