Child Abuse is Preventable

Protect the Innocent

Online Child Safety Training for Churches and Ministries

Use the Links Below to Preview Our Training or Sign in to Learn

Become the Capable Guardian

With Online Training that Guards Against Evil

Child abuse in the church leaves victims with deep emotional scars: “Why did God let this happen? Why didn’t the Church help me?”

But child abuse is preventable if you can keep out would-be offenders, make safe potential victims, and turn your entire organization into a capable guardian that is on the watch against evil.

  • Creating the Capable Guardian

    Quickly teach your staff and volunteers the essentials of preventing and reporting child abuse with this rapid-fire 30 minute training.

  • Beyond Mandated Reporting

    Go beyond mandated reporting with long-form training that coaches reporters not only to guard children within the organization but also at the home and in the community.

  • Navigating the Storm

    Child abuse and misconduct can destroy lives. But an allegation handled well helps protect the innocent and pursues justice. Learn how with this leadership level training.

Click Here for Pricing and Contact Information

Or Use the Links to Learn More Below

Child Safety Training for Volunteers

Creating the Capable Guardian (30 Minute Training)

Child Safety Training for Mandated Reporters

Beyond Mandated Reporting (2 Hour Training)

Investigation Training for Leaders

Navigating The Storm (40 MinuteTraining)

Child Safety Training for Other Employees

Beyond Secure Check-In (1 Hour Training)

Click Here to Connect

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